
Suin’s SA9100 spectrum analyzers

Mar. 09, 2017

Suin’s SA9100 family of spectrum analyzers offer a frequency range of 9 KHz to 3 GHz. With their light weight, small size,and friendly user interface, the SA9100 present a bright display, powerful and reliable automatic measurements, and plenty of impressive features. Applications are widely, which include research and development, education, production, maintenance, etc.

Here are the features and benefits of the spectrum analyzer.

1. All-Digital IF Technology

2. Frequency Range from 9 kHz up to 3.2 GHz

-140db m/Hz Displayed Average Noise Level

3. 10 Hz Minimum Resolution Bandwidth

4. Standard Preamplifier

5. Up to 3 GHz Tracking Generator Kit

6. Reflection Measurement Kit

7. Advanced Measurement Kit

8. EMI Pre-compliance Measurements Kit

Spectrum Analyzers