Introduction of Arbitrary Waveform Editing through ArbEditor on TFG3900A
May. 16, 2023
TFG3900A as a dual channels function/arbitrary waveform generator, can generate a maximum 160MHz signal to meet the engineer’s measuring requirement. It...
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SA2200 Introduction - Portable Harmonic Measurement Tool
Apr. 17, 2023
In order to keep the harmonic content and waveform distortion rate in the power supply system within the specified values, it is necessary to know the actual h...
Introduction And Measuring of Active Power And Reactive Power
Mar. 21, 2023
Active power is the power to make the machine working, in another word, the electric power to transfer electric energy to other mode energy, such as mechanical...
How to Track EMI Emission Source by Spectrum Analyzer
Feb. 15, 2023
Spectrum analyzer is a more suitable instrument for measuring EMI. Spectrum analyzer is the instrument displaying voltage amplitude change with the frequen...
Holiday Notice-2023 Chinese New Year
Jan. 13, 2023
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